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 Wedding flowers





Bouquets and Posies


Floral Art




Funeral flowers































































































































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If you would like to explore more of your creative side come and join us.

The workshops we offer are fun, quirky and relaxed

for non-professional flower enthusiasts.

Book early to avoid disappointment as the classes are small.




Spring season workshops


In these classes we will use spring flowers and materials like the lovely scented Narcissus from the Isle of Scilly, you will learn the basic techniques of bouquet and posy and arrangement making and a few cheats to make it easier.


Sunday morning classes:


time:   11 am - 1 pm

place: The 'Wild' Flower Shop

costs:  £ 55.00

        (This includes all materials, flowers to take home)


8th of March:   "Bouquets and Posies beginner 1"

                        sorry fully booked







Sunday afternoon classes:



time:   2pm - 4 pm

place: The 'Wild' Flower Shop

costs:  £ 55.00 per class

         (This includes all materials, flowers to take home)



8th of March:  "Bouquets and Posies beginner 2"

                     2 spaces available


Useful information:


Unfortunately these classes are for adults only due to the use of very sharp tools.



As the classes are small with only a maximum of 5 people (with the exception of the wreath making class) we ask for full payment when you book your place. You can pay by debit or credit card over the phone or send us a cheque.

If life happens and you cannot make it send someone in your place.


What to wear:

Please wear sensible footwear, strictly no open shoes!

Bring some warm clothes, even if it is hot outside the shop is still cold.


Time management:

Please arrive in time, preferably 5 minutes before the

class starts.

In regard to all participants we can not repeat for latecomers what was already shown.







To book a place please  phone :

0789 9986 991 

0131 629 0316





all photos © by Esther Kuck

 the-wild-flower-shop © 2014